You will have to ask a 5th grade student for the answer! Here are a few photos from the beginning of the experiment. Stay tuned for photos of the conclusion and the answer.......what is YOUR hypothesis?
On November 7th, National Geographic will debut it's new program, Great Migrations. The previews are amazing so I suspect it will be well worth watching. You will be able to learn about the migration of whale, butterflies, zebras, jellyfish, crabs, sharks and many other species. Go to the National Geographic website to preview this exciting program.
As part of our seed study, PreK students germinated seeds on paper plates so that they could watch the germination process closely. As you can see, many of our seeds germinated quite well! Next, we took advantage of beautiful fall weather to go out and collect seeds on the AFS campus.
As part of the the 1st Grade Monarch butterfly study, we took the opportunity in science class to study the caterpillar/larvae stage of butterfly development. We learned about the various ways that caterpillars either camouflage or stand out in their environment. Next, we made our own models of caterpillars using Model Magic!
We had some success with our silkworms initially, but unfortunately we only had a few weeks with these delicate creatures before they all succumbed to unknown illness. Was is the food they were eating? Was it the temperature of the room? We're going to try again in the spring and perhaps we'll have more success!